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    25th International EUROTAS Conference, Oaxaca, Mexico 22-26 OCTOBER 2025 More information:

  • Holotropic Seminar

    Theory and practice of the revolutionary technique created and developed by Stanislav Grof. Therapy, Knowledge, Self-exploration, Connection with the body and Expansion of consciousness Breathing…

  • Respiración Empagénica

    (Kuan Yin is the Compassionate Savior of the East) Empagenesia or the discipline that studies the ability of the Psychotherapist to intuitively grasp beyond the…

  • Eastern Archetypes

    Archetype of the Seer When we express our inner seer, we know and communicate our creative purpose and the dream we wish to realize in…

  • Exploration of Consciousness

    The Exploration of Consciousness is perhaps, in many ways, the main task of Transpersonal Psychology, both in the study of different spiritual traditions and in…

  • Shamanic Activation and Coaching

    Coaching through the practical revision of various techniques of consciousness modification traditionally used in shamanic rituals, and, in the context of the mystical experiences of…

  • Empagenia or the Source of Compassion

    Empagenia is a term especially coined by Magda Solé to describe the source and origin of the deep power of the therapist, shaman and healer…

  • Chamanismo a través de las Culturas

    Through anthropological rigor and the “naive” outlook of the scientist in unknown territory, without preconceptions or prejudices, we enter to investigate the world of shamanism. …

  • Spiritual Traditions

    Descripción Combinando teoría y práctica este taller se divide en dos partes. En la primera parte del taller haremos una revisión de las diferentes tradiciones…

  • TransPersonal Management – The 6 pillars of Coaching

    Transpersonal Management: the six pillars of professional, personal, social and spiritual life-oriented coaching Directed by Jaume Mestres, coach and trainer of trainers. Institute of Transpersonal…


    Since its inception in 1976, thousands of people in multiple parts of the world have used this technique with impressive therapeutic results. The Breathwork of…

  • (Español) Perelandra, Coaching Transpersonal


  • Cognitive basis of transpersonal psychology

    Descripció Despertar la visió espiritual. Veure clarament i reconèixer el sagrat en tot No veiem les coses com són, sinó com som, diu el Talmud….