Christel Lukoff, Ph. D., visited the I.P.T.B. on November 17, 2015. We’ve shared your profound work on accompanying through the death process, as well as…

El pasado 20 de Noviembre John Rowan, Ph. D., estubo Barcelona con motivo del congreso de Psicologías Humanistas y tuvo la gentileza de visitar el…

Pier Luigi Lattuada, Ph.D., vicepresident of EUROTAS and creaator of BioTransenergetica, and his lovely wife Mela had dinner with us at the I.P.T.B. the 28th…

Richard Yensen Ph.D., President of the Psychosynthesis Society Salvador Roquet, visited on November 10th the Institut of Transpersonal Psychology of Barcelona and gave us a…

Medicine Wheel built by Israel Tovar, Wirikuta native. Greeting the four cardinal points, Heaven and Earth. Dreams catcher by Mercé Lopez, (“Recrea” Project) “Limpia” energetic…

A l’ any 1901 – 1902 es publicà el llibre de William James, Les varietats de la experiència religiosa. En el qual hi trobem les…